3 Areas of Expertise That Are Surprisingly Helpful In Developing a Real Estate Marketing Plan

expertise real estate marketing plan


We like to highlight our real estate marketing experience here at Threshold, and for good reason. But when it comes to generating apartment complex marketing ideas and executing a real estate marketing plan, there are a few other types of experience that can also offer a significant advantage to the client-agency relationship.


So what other areas of expertise can come to bear on real estate marketing and promote successful client-agency relationships? Here are a few additional realms of experience we have amongst our team at Threshold and how we’ve found them helpful in driving tangible marketing results.


On-Site Leasing & Residential Management Experience


Okay, this one may be a bit of a no-brainer. We’re taking the time to mention it, though, because not all marketing agencies can boast this kind of experience. Residential brands can get some good mileage out of a general marketing agency, but working with a real estate marketing agency specifically has major benefits. Working with a real estate marketing agency that has experience with the client side of the relationship too? That’s priceless.


A marketing agency with on-site leasing and residential management experience is well-informed of the needs and nitty-gritty realities of running a residential community. That means they’re poised to understand your needs as a client, including demands on your time, budget, and legal responsibilities. Such an agency has additional insight into what clients need to cultivate high lease rates, healthy NOI, and positive client-agency relationships.


Financial & Retail Experience


Speaking of budgets and NOI, a marketing partner with financial and retail experience can be invaluable when it comes to getting the biggest bang for your buck. Financially-minded folks have the drive and the insight to make your marketing spend efficient and effective. They also know how to make the agency they work for financially efficient in its own right, which in turn often means better results for less client spend.


Agencies with experience in retail also have additional insight to share on certain aspects of marketing strategy that can drive higher lease rates and better lead generation, like specials and referral programs. Knowing what makes for a successful promotion or sale means your marketing campaigns are that much more likely to deliver meaningful results.


Utility Agency Experience


Managing a residential company means working with utility agencies to build and maintain a functioning residential community. After all, residents and staff need and expect working power, water, gas, and other utilities. One of the easiest ways to stumble into bad relationships with your residents (and a bad brand reputation) is struggling to deal with a utility emergency or failing to provide consistent utilities functionality for residents.


When your marketing partner brings utility agency experience to the table, it means they have insider knowledge regarding how utility hiccups happen, and valuable insight into how to communicate with residents when they do. This insight helps you deliver accurate information and genuine assistance to residents while engaging in reputation management designed to paint your residential brand in a charitable light.


In other words, having folks with utility agency experience makes for a marketing partner that can help you diffuse tensions with residents and make sure you maintain a solid brand reputation.


Interested to learn more about how these and other spheres of experience can benefit a client-agency relationship and promote meaningful marketing results? We’d love to chat with you about your needs and whether we have the experience to meet them! Contact a Threshold team member today to learn more.

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