Single-Family Home Builders Paving New Paths in Digital Marketing

I posted an article a few months back about my desire to build an unbeatable fantasy football team (a la 1972 Miami Dolphins).  I wanted to crush my cousins’ teams into oblivion, so I turned to the internet to do my research.  Create my game plan, if you will, for global fantasy football domination.  What I found along the way were enormous amounts of marketing – video clips, paid ads, great content – pulling me further and further along my path.  I found it so intriguing that for something as niche-related as fantasy football, there were folks like me – the Don Draper wanna-be’s of the world – building that digital strategy.

The intriguing part of it all is how readily accessible that technology is to everyone and how well it’s being used within the residential industry – specifically single-family home builders.  One, especially, comes to mind and that is Simmons Homes based in Owasso, OK (Tulsa for any of you unfamiliar with the area).  The folks at Simmons just get it.

For example, they have created a series of videos that target everything from home energy efficiency, home warranty tips, how-to advice and new home design launch announcements.  The videos are concise, to the point, and better yet, provide valuable information to their current and potential customers.  Simmons takes things a step further by incorporating those videos into their social media feeds, blogs and their website, thereby making them not just a company that builds some incredible homes, but an expert resource for folks who just want to know how to do simple things around their home.  Or stay in tune with what new design Greg Simmons is going to unveil next.

Regardless of what your residential niche is, student housing, multifamily, or senior living, digital marketing like that above starts to make you an expert in your area as well, not to mention the SEO benefits it provides (more on that in a later blog).  I mean, the tree is ripe for picking and it’s a lot of fun to think about all the cool applications for digital marketing – it’s time you forged a new path in digital marketing.

For those interested, my game plan for global fantasy football domination ended in complete disaster.  However, the process shed light that I’m actually doing what I should be doing any way.  I’ll leave fantasy football domination up for my cousins.

Happy marketing!