My elementary art teacher, Ms. Weinstock, used to tell us “pictures are worth a thousand words.” At the time I thought she was a little whacky, pictures didn’t have any words in them, after all. But, as the studious student who wanted to impress I tried my best to draw the world around me…or, at least the fruit in the bowl.
That lesson has come back to me so many times over the years. Not so much because I have amazing illustration skills, I do not, but because I have heard myself say those same words to clients over the years. Pictures are worth a thousand words. As designers and expert residential brand developers, we like to use as few words as possible to express the lifestyle that our clients are building for their future residents. When a community is new, selling dirt is tough. Imagine doing that in the plains of Lubbock – dusty. Any way, the point is that in order to paint a picture in someone’s mind, you have to use illustrative words, many of them, in fact. But a sharp rendering, a photo-realistic image, sells the lifestyle without a spattering of type on paper.
Investing in very good renderings pays off in terms of brand development and establishment, leasing velocity, and, of course, your NOI.
Ms. Weinstock really was a brilliant teacher. I’m glad she taught me that important phrase, even if it didn’t improve my illustrative skills. Some talent you’re born with. Some you develop over time.
Happy Marketing!