How to Convert Leads Efficiently with Geofencing and Geotargeting

This post is part of our Guest Blog Series, and was written by Haley — our Digital Marketing Specialist.
In order to drive leads, it is essential to align campaign goals with the best blend of digital marketing ideas for apartments. Geofencing and Geotargeting seem similar, but they’re different in terms of how users interact with ads and the way conversions are tracked. In order to understand which service will help you reach your individual goals, we must first understand how each of them work.

Geofencing and Geotargeting: Definitions and Desired Results
THC partners with a leading programmatic platform to provide our clients with the best possible Geofencing solution. Here’s the definition of Geofencing, so we’re all on the same page:
“location-based display advertising served to audiences through means of geographically tailored location fencing.”
To break it down, this technology allows marketers to draw fences around nearby locations, serve display ads to users who walk within the barrier of the fence, and then capture the same users as a lead if they then walk into your business.
Targeted locations can be anything in the surrounding area that fit within goals for your apartment marketing ideas. Some examples of Geofenced locations include nearby competitors, local hotspots, and universities in the area. Geofencing meets users where they already are.
Our Geotargeting service is managed through the Google Adwords Display Network. Targeting is focused on two primary categories: location radius and audience targeting.
First, a specified mile radius is placed around the location’s address, and then targeting is narrowed down further using in-market audiences and demographics. This in-market audiences function allows us to tailor ads towards individuals who have already expressed interest in our client’s products or services. The ads are then served to individuals within the desired radius who match the custom targeting specifications. We use Geotargeting to reach users who are most likely to convert.

Geofencing & Geotargeting: Similarities and Differences
Both services serve display ads to users through their mobile devices, reaching users on the devices they use most often. These ads are served in apps and on websites within each service’s network.
The two services differ in how they capture leads. Geofencing leads are defined by users walking into your business after viewing your ad on their mobile device. The primarily goal is not to track a user’s online behavior such as how they are interacting on your website. The goal of geofencing is to see how many people who’ve been served your ads end up walking into your business.  
Geotargeting, on the other hand, focuses primarily on the user’s journey through your website. A lead is defined by a user completing an action on the site after clicking on the display ad. The goal of Geotargeting is to garner clicks on the ads and track their behavior on the website after the click.

Match your Goals with our Apartment Marketing Ideas
In order to be successful in your digital marketing efforts, you must first decide what your goal is.
Are you looking for foot traffic in your office and in need of a way to directly target potential consumers at local hot spots and even competitors? If so, Geofencing is the service for you.
Are your trying to drive traffic to your website and gain online leads? If so, we recommend a Geotargeting campaign.
The THC team has launched campaigns on both services with proven success, and we highly recommend leveraging both apartment complex marketing ideas to drive leads. Feel free to shoot us an email or give us a call today to get started!