Mobile Vs. Desktop: The Details Behind the Data

Take a moment and picture your business’ website. In your head, is it appearing on a phone or a laptop?
We’re used to thinking of desktop as the default, but the truth is that two-thirds of website traffic happens on smartphones — not laptops. We keep these kinds of trends in mind when coming up with digital marketing ideas for apartments, and that how we keep clients one step ahead.
Everyone knows that their website should to be “optimized for mobile,” but what does that mean, exactly?
Mobile optimization is about more than just making the buttons bigger; it’s about reimagining your website’s layout so that it works the way smartphone users want it to work.
We pulled the data behind our most popular student housing websites and discovered some interesting insights. When you examine data, you come up with better apartment marketing ideas — and that’s exactly what we’ve done below!

  1. The bounce-rate for mobile sites is much higher than for desktop sites, and users view more pages per session when using the desktop site.
  2. For both mobile and desktop, the most-viewed page is almost always the Floor Plans Page. However, the formats had different results when we looked at the longest-viewed pages
  3. When comparing the amount of time users spent on the most-viewed pages on mobile and desktop, we found people are actually willing to spend more time on mobile pages.

We can make adjustments to our mobile website layouts by taking this user behavior into consideration.
Here are five things we know, and five things we can do differently based on this information:
Bounce Rate: Higher on mobile sites
Mobile sites have a shorter window of opportunity to hook users than desktop sites do. Whatever you’re going to say, you better do it quick.
Pages Per Session: Lower on mobile sites
People visit fewer pages on mobile, so mobile sites should pack more info into each page.
Time Spent on Longest-Viewed Page: Higher on mobile sites
People are looking for specific information on mobile sites — we should make it easy for people to get straight to the information they came for.
Gallery and Amenities are the longest-viewed pages on mobile
Floorplans aren’t easy to view on mobile devices, so people check out the perks and the images instead, perhaps sharing those pages with friends. Mobile websites should feature high-quality images and limit the amount of detailed floor plans.
Floor Plans and Parents are the longest viewed pages on desktop
While the longest-viewed pages on mobile sites are more superficial, the longest-viewed pages on desktop are related to deeper levels of the buying cycle. We know parents are more likely to use desktop websites, so we can gear mobile sites towards students.
We’ve got troves of data behind the websites and digital ads we make every day. When we take a moment to unpack the data, we can reset our strategies and originate new apartment complex marketing ideas. If you’d like your marketing to be driven by data, feel free to reach out.