Video Game Marketing in 2023

Video Game Marketing in 2023

alfred headshot thought leadership blog video game marketingAlfred Perez – digital marketing manager.

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Ever thought of pairing your marketing efforts with video games? You just might after reading this.

Video games have seen a significant upward trajectory for the past few years. Much of the growth was due to the increase in player base, the mobile gaming boom, e-sports, and streaming platforms like Twitch. The number of eyes going towards video games has continued to capture the attention of brands trying to effectively get in front of their audience. Video games have slowly, but surely found ways to promote ads through their medium.

Here are a few examples of how to advertise in video games:


in-game billboards and posters.

Modern video games include billboards, posters, and signs in virtual worlds. Brands can pay for ad space on these in-game assets. These advertisements can be static images or even videos, making them highly visible to players. Planning truly needs to be at the forefront of this marketing strategy because video games are a worldwide medium so the brand should be worldwide as well for this to really be effective.


product placement.

Brands can negotiate product placement deals with game developers to have their products or logos featured within the game’s environment. This can include items, vehicles, or clothing that prominently display the brand. Pretty cool, right?


sponsored game content.

Brands can sponsor specific in-game content, such as events, challenges, or game modes. Time to pick your favorite level!


sponsored streams.

Brands can negotiate terms with popular streamers about promoting their product or service through the streamer’s channel to reach their specific audience. This can include logos throughout the stream, in-channel ad breaks or an ad read from the streamer like a podcaster would.


branded virtual items.

In some games, players can purchase or earn virtual items like clothing, accessories, or skins for characters or objects. Brands can create branded virtual items for players to use in the game, increasing brand visibility. It’s swag time.


playable ads.

Some mobile games offer playable ads where players can engage with a mini-version of the advertised game within the ad itself. If players enjoy the mini-game, they may be more likely to download and play the full game.


interactive advertisements.

Interactive ads can appear on loading screens, pause menus, or as part of the game’s storyline. These ads may require players to engage with them in some way, such as clicking, swiping, or solving puzzles.


video ads.

Short video advertisements can be shown to players as they progress through a game or during natural breaks in gameplay. These ads can be skippable or non-skippable, and they often reward players with in-game currency or other benefits for watching. An example of this would be Amazon’s video game streaming service Twitch which is comparable to how Google’s YouTube video ads work.


native advertising.

Some games incorporate advertising seamlessly into the game’s narrative or environment, making it feel like a natural part of the gameplay. This can include characters using real-world products or references to real-world events. Ready to explore your game-writing abilities?



Advergames are video games created specifically for marketing purposes. These games often feature branded characters, themes, or products and can be used to engage and entertain potential customers.


live events and tournaments.

Brands can sponsor or host live in-game events or tournaments, where players compete for prizes or recognition. These events can be streamed on platforms like Twitch, expanding the reach of the brand.


the end game.

It’s essential for brands to choose the right games, streamers and/or advertising methods that align with their target audience and marketing objectives. You don’t want your marketing to feel forced or out of place. Additionally, respecting the gaming experience and ensuring that ads enhance rather than disrupt gameplay is crucial for the success of in-game advertising.


Now plug in that X-box and get going!


before you go.

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about the author.

Alfred is the Digital Marketing Manager at Threshold, which means he’s basically a wizard when it comes to all things digital. When Alfred’s not monitoring and activating digital services for our clients to deliver the best possible results, you can probably find him playing video games, visiting local Austin breweries, and playing rec sports with his friends.

He also loves to cook, but isn’t a fan of doing the dishes that accompany cooking a meal – but really, who can blame him?