Navigating 2024 Banking Trends: Leveraging Advertisers to Propel Banking Products

Navigating 2024 Banking Trends: Leveraging Advertisers to Propel Banking Products

jenny headshot bwJenny Paul


The landscape of the banking industry is in a constant state of evolution, especially in the digital sphere. As we delve into 2024, the key to staying ahead lies in understanding

emerging trends and harnessing the expertise of advertisers to effectively market banking products.

Let’s explore some pivotal trends shaping the banking sector and how advertisers can play a key role in communicating these financial offerings.


2024 banking trends: a snapshot.


data-centric strategies.

The effective utilization of data remains paramount for banks and credit unions. Targeted marketing based on customer insights and behaviors is key to driving

engagement and conversions. Advertisers equipped with analytical tools can assist in crafting data-driven campaigns that resonate with specific customer segments.


personalized customer experiences.

Customers expect tailored experiences. Banks are increasingly focusing on personalization to deliver relevant services and offerings. Advertisers can aid in creating

personalized content across various channels, optimizing customer journeys, and enhancing user experiences on digital platforms.


emphasis on digital channels.

The digital shift in banking continues to accelerate. Online banking, mobile apps, and digital payment solutions are becoming the norm. Advertisers well-versed

in digital marketing strategies can help banks capitalize on these platforms, ensuring visibility and engagement through targeted digital campaigns.

rise of fintech collaboration.

Collaboration between traditional financial institutions and FinTech firms is on the rise. Advertisers can assist in showcasing these partnerships, highlighting

innovative solutions and services that emerge from such collaborations, fostering trust and credibility among customers.


the role of advertisers in banking product 




strategic campaign development.

Advertisers bring expertise in developing strategic marketing campaigns tailored to the banking sector. They can identify the unique selling propositions of

financial products and craft compelling narratives that resonate with the target audience.

utilizing multi-channel marketing.

Effective advertisers understand the importance of a multi-channel approach. They can leverage various platforms – social media, email marketing, search engine

advertising, etc. – to ensure comprehensive coverage and engagement across diverse customer segments.


optimizing user experience.

Advertisers play a crucial role in optimizing the user experience. They can collaborate with banks to design intuitive interfaces, mobile apps, and websites that simplify

banking processes, creating seamless and user-friendly experiences.


adapting to changing trends.

Advertisers constantly monitor industry trends and consumer behavior shifts. Their agility in adapting campaigns to align with evolving trends ensures that banking

products stay relevant and competitive in the market.


looking forward: the collaborative future.

The banking landscape in 2024 presents immense opportunities for growth and innovation. However, to navigate this complex terrain successfully, collaboration

between financial institutions and advertisers is indispensable. By leveraging the expertise of advertisers, banks can effectively communicate the value of their

products and services, driving customer engagement and loyalty.

to sum things up.

As we embrace the dynamic trends in banking, the role of advertisers becomes pivotal in shaping the success of banking product promotion. Their ability to strategize,

innovate, and adapt will be instrumental in propelling the banking industry forward in 2024 and beyond.


about the author.

Jenny is a senior CSM who handles all things financial marketing – literally. When it comes to financial institutions and their marketing campaigns, there isn’t a question she

can’t answer, or a problem she can’t fix. She keeps the ship floating, and makes it look effortless.

When she’s not acting as a guru for our CSM team, you can find her spending time with her kiddos, probably doing something adventurous and amazing.

Video Game Marketing in 2023

Video Game Marketing in 2023

alfred headshot thought leadership blog video game marketingAlfred Perez – digital marketing manager.

press start.

Ever thought of pairing your marketing efforts with video games? You just might after reading this.

Video games have seen a significant upward trajectory for the past few years. Much of the growth was due to the increase in player base, the mobile gaming boom, e-sports, and streaming platforms like Twitch. The number of eyes going towards video games has continued to capture the attention of brands trying to effectively get in front of their audience. Video games have slowly, but surely found ways to promote ads through their medium.

Here are a few examples of how to advertise in video games:


in-game billboards and posters.

Modern video games include billboards, posters, and signs in virtual worlds. Brands can pay for ad space on these in-game assets. These advertisements can be static images or even videos, making them highly visible to players. Planning truly needs to be at the forefront of this marketing strategy because video games are a worldwide medium so the brand should be worldwide as well for this to really be effective.


product placement.

Brands can negotiate product placement deals with game developers to have their products or logos featured within the game’s environment. This can include items, vehicles, or clothing that prominently display the brand. Pretty cool, right?


sponsored game content.

Brands can sponsor specific in-game content, such as events, challenges, or game modes. Time to pick your favorite level!


sponsored streams.

Brands can negotiate terms with popular streamers about promoting their product or service through the streamer’s channel to reach their specific audience. This can include logos throughout the stream, in-channel ad breaks or an ad read from the streamer like a podcaster would.


branded virtual items.

In some games, players can purchase or earn virtual items like clothing, accessories, or skins for characters or objects. Brands can create branded virtual items for players to use in the game, increasing brand visibility. It’s swag time.


playable ads.

Some mobile games offer playable ads where players can engage with a mini-version of the advertised game within the ad itself. If players enjoy the mini-game, they may be more likely to download and play the full game.


interactive advertisements.

Interactive ads can appear on loading screens, pause menus, or as part of the game’s storyline. These ads may require players to engage with them in some way, such as clicking, swiping, or solving puzzles.


video ads.

Short video advertisements can be shown to players as they progress through a game or during natural breaks in gameplay. These ads can be skippable or non-skippable, and they often reward players with in-game currency or other benefits for watching. An example of this would be Amazon’s video game streaming service Twitch which is comparable to how Google’s YouTube video ads work.


native advertising.

Some games incorporate advertising seamlessly into the game’s narrative or environment, making it feel like a natural part of the gameplay. This can include characters using real-world products or references to real-world events. Ready to explore your game-writing abilities?



Advergames are video games created specifically for marketing purposes. These games often feature branded characters, themes, or products and can be used to engage and entertain potential customers.


live events and tournaments.

Brands can sponsor or host live in-game events or tournaments, where players compete for prizes or recognition. These events can be streamed on platforms like Twitch, expanding the reach of the brand.


the end game.

It’s essential for brands to choose the right games, streamers and/or advertising methods that align with their target audience and marketing objectives. You don’t want your marketing to feel forced or out of place. Additionally, respecting the gaming experience and ensuring that ads enhance rather than disrupt gameplay is crucial for the success of in-game advertising.


Now plug in that X-box and get going!


before you go.

For more tips and information about marketing your everything, take a look at the rest of our blogs, right here on our website! 

You can also subscribe to our email newsletter (it’s got some great stuff), and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn!


about the author.

Alfred is the Digital Marketing Manager at Threshold, which means he’s basically a wizard when it comes to all things digital. When Alfred’s not monitoring and activating digital services for our clients to deliver the best possible results, you can probably find him playing video games, visiting local Austin breweries, and playing rec sports with his friends.

He also loves to cook, but isn’t a fan of doing the dishes that accompany cooking a meal – but really, who can blame him?

Unleash the Power of AI in Marketing

Unleash the Power of AI in Marketing

Abby Barnes

AI: ever heard of it?

As the digital marketing landscape continues to rapidly evolve, artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a critical tool for marketers. At Threshold, we’ve witnessed how AI is reshaping customer interactions and enabling marketers to make more informed marketing decisions.

To fully unlock the potential of AI and create personalized customer experiences, it’s crucial to understand its fundamentals, select the right AI technologies, and measure its impact. We’ve created a guide to equip you with the knowledge you need to really harness AI’s capabilities, enhance your marketing campaigns, and drive your team toward success.

Let’s get started, shall we?

what is AI?

AI simply refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that traditionally require a human. In digital marketing, AI plays a critical role in helping businesses automate and optimize their marketing efforts to create more personalized experiences for their customers. Cool, right?

One use of AI in digital marketing is through the use of machine learning algorithms. These algorithms can process and analyze large datasets, including customer behavior and preferences. AI can help identify patterns and predict future behavior, allowing marketers to develop more strategic and personalized marketing campaigns.

But it doesn’t stop there. Another application of AI is through the use of chatbots on your websites. Many property management companies have already started adopting these bots as they can serve as valuable virtual assistants, capable of delivering instant support.

what are the benefits of AI in Digital Marketing?

We’re so glad you asked.

enhanced efficiency

AI helps with automating tedious tasks like data collection, analysis, and segmentation, freeing up valuable time for marketers to focus on strategic initiatives.

personalized experiences

Leveraging AI tools allow marketers to gain insights into customer needs and preferences, providing tailored campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

real-time optimization

AI-powered analytics provide real-time insights into customer behavior, enabling marketers to optimize campaigns quickly. By leveraging AI’s ability to analyze vast datasets, businesses can make data-driven decisions that enhance marketing strategies and deliver better results.

automation and scalability

AI automates various marketing tasks, including customer service, data analysis, and social media and email scheduling. This automation allows businesses to scale their marketing efforts efficiently as their customer base expands.

identifying the right AI technologies

Choosing the right AI technologies that align with your specific needs is crucial for successful implementation in marketing. A wide range of AI-driven tools, from customer service bots to data analysis platforms, are available. Like any technology, AI in marketing carries inherent risks that should be addressed. Privacy concerns may arise when collecting and analyzing customer data using AI-driven tools.

That’s some serious business.

It is crucial to ensure that data is collected and used securely and in compliance with regulations. Additionally, being aware of the potential for bias in AI algorithms and taking steps to ensure accuracy and fairness are paramount.

integrating AI into your marketing strategy

Once the appropriate AI technologies have been identified, integrating them into your marketing strategy is key. As digital marketers, we’re already using AI-driven initiatives in Google Ads campaigns. Responsive Search and Display Ads are the perfect example!

By providing multiple headlines, descriptions, and creative assets, Google’s AI will generate ad combinations and learn over time which combinations drive better results.

AI-driven tools enhance efficiency and campaign effectiveness, but it is crucial to track and evaluate results. By measuring campaign performance, you can identify areas where AI has the most significant impact and make informed adjustments. Plus, (last point, promise), considering factors such as cost and return on investment helps ensure you make informed decisions about implementing AI technologies.

to sum it up

The potential of AI in marketing is vast, and understanding how to harness its power is vital for marketers. This comprehensive guide gives you a quick overview of the fundamentals of AI in marketing, along with how you can see success in implementation.

By embracing the benefits and mitigating the risks associated with AI, you can unlock your marketing team’s potential and drive better results.

Tired of spending precious hours trying to decipher AI, ad trends, and where to put your spending? We don’t blame you. Luckily, we have a solve. At Threshold, we are well-versed in AI technology and can guide you through this transformative journey.

Contact us today to explore the revolutionary possibilities AI offers for your marketing initiatives.

before you go

For more tips and information about marketing, take a look at the rest of our blogs, right here on our website! You can also subscribe to our email newsletter, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook!

Ways to Share Your Brand’s Story in Your Marketing

Ways to Share Your Brand’s Story in Your Marketing

Laura Robbins

Your brand story is the soul of everything you do. In a world of ever-increasing competition and constant bombardment of advertisements, your “why” as a company, brand, and business is just as important as the services you offer, the apartments you lease, and the products you sell. Connecting with your audience on a deeper level has become the key to successful marketing.

Your brand’s story holds the power to captivate, inspire, and foster a genuine connection with your target audience. Let’s explore several powerful ways to share your brand’s story and make an indelible impact on your customers, shall we?


craft a compelling brand narrative.

What’s your humble beginning? What are the core values, mission, and vision that drive your business? Crafting a story that highlights your brand’s journey, challenges overcome, and triumphs achieved will tap into the emotional response of your target audience. It conveys authenticity and can transform your brand from being a mere product or service provider to a source of inspiration and trust.

Stuck? Go back to the basics with a simple principle: why it all began.


showcase your people.

Humans are visual creatures. It’s human nature to feel more connected to a brand with a face. Leverage behind-the-scenes footage that resonates with your audience. Engaging visuals not only grab attention but also make your brand story more memorable and shareable.


leverage customer success stories.

Your customers are an invaluable asset when it comes to sharing your brand’s story. Encourage them to share their experiences, testimonials, and success stories. User-generated content adds an authentic touch to your marketing efforts, demonstrating real-world examples of how your brand has positively impacted people’s lives. Think about it, who wouldn’t be drawn to live in an apartment community that has so many real happy endings?


don’t forget: share your storytelling across all channels.

Your brand’s story should permeate all your marketing channels consistently. From your website and social media platforms to email campaigns and advertising, ensure that your narrative is integrated seamlessly. Develop a cohesive brand voice and tone that reflects your story, creating a unified experience for your audience across various touchpoints.

Why? Consistency helps reinforce your brand’s message and fosters brand recognition, making it easier for customers to connect with your story.


to sum it up.

Sharing your brand’s story is an integral part of effective marketing, allowing you to forge meaningful connections with your audience. Remember, your brand’s story is unique and deserves to be shared. At Threshold, we believe in storytelling’s power and are committed to helping businesses unlock their brand’s potential through compelling narratives. Watch as your marketing efforts become more impactful and resonate with your audience on a deeper level.


For more tips and information about marketing, take a look at the rest of our blogs, right here on our website! You can also subscribe to our email newsletter, or follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!

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