Digital Nomads & The Short-Term Trend

Digital Nomads & The Short-Term Trend

alfred headshot blogAlfred Perez


The short-term rental market has experienced significant transformations over the past few years, driven by technological advancements, changing travel behaviors, and evolving consumer preferences. As we delve into 2024, several trends are shaping this dynamic industry, offering insights into what hosts, property managers, and travelers can expect.


the rise of digital nomadism.

One of the most significant shifts in the short-term rental market is the rise of digital nomadism. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated remote work trends, allowing professionals to work from virtually anywhere. This flexibility has led many to adopt a nomadic lifestyle, moving between cities and countries while maintaining their jobs. Consequently, there is an increased demand for rentals that cater to longer stays and provide amenities conducive to remote work, such as high-speed internet, dedicated workspaces, and quiet environments.


growth of suburban and rural rentals.

While urban centers have traditionally dominated the short-term rental market, there’s been a noticeable shift towards suburban and rural areas. Travelers are increasingly seeking escapes from crowded cities, opting for the tranquility and space offered by less densely populated regions. This trend has been fueled by a desire for more outdoor activities, privacy, and unique experiences that are often less accessible in urban settings.


increased use of technology.

Technology continues to revolutionize the short-term rental industry. Property management software, smart home devices, and advanced booking platforms enhance the guest experience and streamline operations for hosts. Keyless entry systems, automated check-in/check-out processes, and AI-powered customer service are becoming standard features. Additionally, data analytics tools help hosts optimize pricing and occupancy rates, improving profitability.


personalization and unique experiences.

Travelers are increasingly seeking personalized and unique experiences. Hosts are differentiating their properties by offering tailored services and local experiences, such as guided tours, cooking classes, and adventure activities. Themed rentals, boutique accommodations, and properties with distinctive architectural or historical significance are particularly popular. Personalization extends to communication as well, with hosts using automated messaging systems to provide guests with customized recommendations and local insights.


diverse accommodation options.

The diversity of accommodation options within the short-term rental market is expanding. Beyond traditional homes and apartments, travelers are exploring stays in tiny houses, treehouses, yurts, and houseboats. This variety caters to different tastes and preferences, offering unique and memorable experiences. The trend towards alternative accommodations reflects a broader desire for novelty and adventure in travel experiences.


to wrap things up.

The short-term rental market is evolving rapidly, driven by changes in traveler behavior, technological advancements, and broader societal trends. Hosts and property managers who stay ahead of these trends can capitalize on new opportunities and meet the evolving demands of modern travelers. Whether it’s catering to digital nomads, embracing sustainability, or leveraging technology, the future of short-term rentals promises to be dynamic and full of potential.

Email Marketing Strategies: Maximizing Open Rates and Conversions

Email Marketing Strategies: Maximizing Open Rates and Conversions

ava headshot threshold agency blog marketing agency austin tx

Ava Page


Hey there, marketing enthusiasts! 🌟 Ready to boost your email marketing game? At Threshold, we believe in the power of a great email strategy to connect with your audience and drive results. With our new Marketing-as-a-Service (MaaS) offering, including top-tier email marketing, we’re here to help you shine.

know your audience.

First things first, you’ve got to know who you’re talking to. Your emails should feel like a conversation with a friend – someone who gets you and knows what you need. Start by segmenting your email list based on demographics, interests, and behavior. This allows you to send personalized content that resonates with your readers. Threshold’s MaaS helps you dive deep into audience insights, ensuring your emails always hit the mark.


craft compelling subject lines.

Your subject line is the first impression your email makes. It needs to be irresistible! Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Use action words, ask intriguing questions, or create a sense of urgency to entice your readers to open your email. With Threshold’s expert copywriters on your side, your subject lines will consistently capture attention.


create engaging content.

Once your readers have opened your email, the next step is to keep them engaged. Your content should be valuable, relevant, and easy to read. Break up text with bullet points, images, and headers to make it visually appealing. And don’t forget to include a clear call-to-action (CTA). Threshold’s MaaS ensures your emails are packed with engaging, high-quality content that drives action.


optimize for mobile.

With more people checking emails on their phones, it’s crucial to ensure your emails look great on all devices. Use a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes, and keep your text and images balanced so they’re easy to view on smaller screens. Our MaaS includes design optimization to make sure your emails are always mobile-friendly and visually stunning.


test, analyze, and improve.

A/B testing is your best friend when it comes to email marketing. Experiment with different subject lines, content formats, send times, and CTAs to see what works best for your audience. Track your email performance with analytics to understand what’s working and what’s not. Threshold’s MaaS provides comprehensive testing and analytics, helping you continuously refine your strategy for maximum impact.


to sum things up.

With these five strategies (and Threshold’s Marketing-as-a-Service, if you choose) at your fingertips, you’re set to maximize open rates and conversions like never before. Our team is dedicated to crafting email campaigns that not only stand out but also drive results. 


Ready to transform your email marketing? Let’s get those emails opened and those conversions rolling in! 🚀

Interested in taking this conversation further with a marketing expert? Reach out to our THeam today for all the answers you’re looking for.

Stay tuned for more tips and tricks from the Threshold THeam, and happy emailing! 📧✨

before you go.

For more tips and information about marketing your everything, take a look at the rest of our blogs, right here on our website! 

You can also subscribe to our email newsletter (it’s got some great stuff), and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn!

about the author.

Ava is the SEO & Paid Media Specialist at Threshold.

In her role, she is responsible for the content creation and management of all Threshold and PromoShak social channels, blog content, and SEO maintenance, and aids in internal and client-facing digital marketing strategies. 

When she’s not busy creating content, you can usually find her picking out new plants, island-hopping, watching Duke basketball, or spending time with her fur babies.

The Importance of Brand Identity: How To Craft a Resonant Brand Voice

The Importance of Brand Identity: How To Craft a Resonant Brand Voice

 laura headshot blogLaura Robbins

In today’s dynamic marketplace, where consumers are bombarded with choices, establishing a distinct brand voice is paramount for standing out and building meaningful connections with your audience. Whether you’re a real estate property, a credit union, or a boutique hotel, a compelling brand identity weaves together words and emotions to convey a coherent and resonant message. 

Let’s explore the art of developing a voice that aligns with your brand’s identity and strikes a chord with your target audience.


understanding your brand’s identity.

Back up, back up, back up. Before you even begin to explore your brand’s voice, you first need to ensure you’ve established your brand’s identity. 

What values does your brand stand for? 

What sets it apart from competitors? 

What emotions do you want to evoke in your audience? 

By delving into these questions, you can uncover the essence of your brand and lay the foundation for developing a distinct voice that encapsulates its personality.

Take Threshold’s brand voice for instance. One of our corporate values is that we’re both professional and playful. That value is woven throughout our voice. We like to get the job done and do an amazing job at that, and we like to have a laugh or two along the way. A witty joke or pun is welcome – and oftentimes encouraged – in these parts. 


audience insight: listening to consumer needs.

Understanding your target audience is crucial for shaping your brand voice. Conduct thorough research to gain insights into your audience’s demographics, psychographics, and pain points. 

What language resonates with them? 

What tone elicits the desired emotional response? 

Go so far as crafting personas for your brand so you can better tailor your voice and messaging to your audience. Having this distinct persona will also allow you to quality-check your brand’s messaging as it gets put into use, ensuring what you’re saying is relevant to your target audience. 


maintaining your voice across touchpoints.

Remember that thing we said above, about quality-checking your brand voice? Yeah – it’s important. 

Consistency is the bedrock of a strong brand voice. Maintaining a unified voice across all marketing touchpoints reinforces your brand’s identity and fosters trust with your audience. Whether it’s your website copy, social media posts, or customer support interactions, ensure that your brand voice remains consistent in tone, style, and messaging to deepen relationships with your audience.


it’s ok to be flexible.

Yeah, ok, the odd rule is meant to be broken, is it not? While consistency is essential, it’s also important to recognize that the marketplace is constantly evolving, and consumer preferences may change over time. 

Your brand voice should be flexible enough to resonate with changing trends and audience dynamics. Continuously monitor feedback, stay attuned to cultural shifts, and be willing to adjust your brand voice accordingly to maintain relevance and resonance. 

Threshold did just that! We underwent a brand refresh in 2023 to better align our creative direction, messaging, and services to our clients and their needs. 


be yourself. 

Above all, authenticity is the core of a compelling brand voice. Consumers are attracted to brands that authentically express their values and beliefs. Be genuine, transparent, and true to your brand’s identity in every communication. Authenticity not only fosters deeper connections with your audience, but also builds loyalty and advocacy over time.


to sum it all up.

By understanding your brand’s identity, listening attentively to your audience, maintaining consistency, embracing flexibility, and embodying authenticity, you can elevate your brand above the noise and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Remember, the marriage of words and brand identity is not just about what you say, but how you say it. Let your brand voice be what captivates, inspires, and connects with your audience.

Now that you know how essential a brand voice is, let Threshold help you craft one! We use carefully curated data to deliver positioning and messaging full of strategic potential. Our experienced team weeds out stale approaches to deliver fresh perspectives and brand guidelines that empower future asset creation. And we’ll make you go wow in the process. Promise. 

Get in touch with us today! 


about the author.

Laura is the brand strategist here at Threshold (so when it comes to all things branding – take her word for it). She embodies all of the best part of what creative marketing is all about, bringing life to brands across the spectrum, and highlighting all of the best aspects that a company, property, business, or any other brand has to offer its consumers.

When she’s not bringing brands to life at Threshold, Laura loves spending time with her husband, son, friends, and family – and she’s even got a little one on the way! Whether it’s spending quality time with loved ones, traveling, trying new restaurants, or working on her novel (yep – she does it all), Laura is the definition of someone who lives to get all of the best things out of life, and we love her for it.

How To Get More Leads & Leases from Gen Z Renters

How To Get More Leads & Leases from Gen Z Renters

Updated 9/8/21

With the oldest representatives of Gen Z now 24 years old, this generation has already redefined the student housing market and is well on its way to doing the same for multifamily. As their coming of age continues to change the student housing and multifamily industries, here’s what you should know if you want to remain at the cutting edge of the industry and future-proof your marketing strategy. We’ll break down who Gen Z is, what motivates Gen Z’s housing choices, and how to market housing to Gen Z. Let’s dive in.

Who Is Gen Z?

First of all, let’s nail down some definitions. Although from a practical standpoint, generational boundaries are more of a guideline, the official birth years for Gen Z fall between 1997 and 2012. That means as of 2021, the oldest Gen Zers (or “Zoomers”) are now 24 years old. As a result, many Gen Zers are now becoming first-time renters in both the student housing and multi-family markets, and within the next decade, the entire generation will be 18 or older.

Besides their years of birth, Gen Z is defined by the digital and cultural trends that formed (and continue to inform) the zeitgeist of their formative years. This generation is dominated by digital natives—i.e. people who have not only never experienced a time without the internet, but who grew up using smartphones, social media, and other digital technologies and platforms. They are on track to be the most educated generation on average and tend to be socially conscious and climate conscious.

In terms of their values, Gen Z is considered to be similar to Millennials but antithetical to the Boomer generation. Many Gen Zers appear to reject the traditional values of the Boomer generation: for example, Gen Z is less likely to value buying a home, marrying young (or marrying at all), having children, achieving traditional career success, or conforming to traditionally-defined gender roles.

What Motivates Gen Z?


Gen Z’s digital and social sensibilities define their key motivations within the housing market. For example, it should come as no surprise that, even more than Millennials, the digital natives of Gen Z are motivated by smart home tech, access to high-speed internet, and a property’s digital presence. They prefer having the ability to learn about a property online without first having to visit in person and expect online options for lease applications, rent payments, and maintenance requests. In a similar vein, this group—accustomed to having so much of their life at their literal fingertips—appreciates convenience and will choose housing options that cater to it.

Beyond their digital expectations, Gen Z is also highly motivated by affordability. As this generation enters the market during one of America’s most staggering recessions, when tuition costs are higher than ever, and job security is hard to come by, they know they have to be frugal and cautious. For similar reasons, this generation values flexibility and efficiency. They want to get what they need without paying for extra; they want low utility costs and high value, and they want the freedom to change their housing when their needs change, especially during a time of instability.

Additionally, this climate-conscious generation is motivated by sustainability. They are early adopters of sustainable alternatives to everyday goods and services and likely to appreciate brands that they see as contributing to climate solutions rather than to climate problems.

How is Gen Z Changing the Housing Market?

As Gen Z enters the renting market, many developers and property management companies are beginning to see what is most important to these renters as well as what are some of the deal-breakers.

We’ve already seen a shift to online rent payment options, online leasing, and virtual tours. In addition to these changes, we’re beginning to see an incorporation of more smart-home technologies with new developments and upgrades to existing apartments. These changes speak to some of the shared values placed on digital convenience and tech-savvy by Gen Z and Millennials. While the latter have been shaping housing trends for over a decade, Gen Z will likely push these trends even further. In particular, smart-home technologies with phone compatibility are likely to be the next wave of upgrades. Some of the amenities we’re beginning to see in this area include:

  • Smart thermostats
  • Smart door locks and keyless entry (for apartments and amenity spaces)
  • Package lockers
  • Smart speakers (often given as leasing incentives)
  • Smart lights
  • Smart appliances
  • App-based amenity reservation system

On the subject of sustainability, many developers are setting new standards with LEED certification. Since Gen Z values contributing to efforts that protect the environment, we may see an increase in LEED certified buildings and the marketing around these certifications to appeal to the interests of Gen Z renters. Other features and amenities we’re beginning to see in this area include:

  • Vehicle recharging stations
  • LED lighting
  • On-site renewable energy
  • Recycling options
  • Daylighting
  • High-efficiency appliances
  • Community gardens

Another interesting trend that could emerge is co-living. While it’s still a niche industry, co-living may appeal to the convenience and affordability motivators for Gen Z. Younger renters are accustomed to and actively seek out living with a roommate. The housing affordability crisis of today may even motivate Gen Z renters to seek out co-living options in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic and any lingering cultural shift it may create.

How To Market Apartments to Gen Z

Whether you’re marketing student housing or multifamily apartments, appealing to a Gen Z audience requires more than just running some ads on Instagram or creating a TikTok for your property. While most apartment marketers and asset managers already know that social media presence is a must when marketing to Zoomers, there are additional factors you should take into account.

Branding & Positioning for Gen Z

Gen Z likes to see authenticity, social impact awareness, sustainability, and modernity from their brands, and apartments are no exception. For new developments, it’s easier to steer your branding in this direction, but for existing communities, it can be a challenge to adapt to these preferences after the fact. Consider drafting new brand messaging guidelines for everything from your social media posts to your website and ad copy, then update these digital assets accordingly. Gen Z can smell inauthenticity a mile away, so brand voices that are conversational, approachable, and down-to-earth tend to resonate better with this crowd. And after all, there’s something inherently appealing about a brand that appears to “cut through the bullshit” and deliver straightforward facts. While some existing brands can achieve this with just some well-placed tweaks, in some cases, a full rebrand could be the glow-up your community needs to attract Gen Z renters.

Gen Z also tends to prefer a brand look & feel that is colorful, playful, and simple. In general, think organic shapes, minimalist composition, and hand-drawn patterns and textures. By contrast, the ultra-luxe look & feel of metallic accents, moody lighting, and elegant or crisp lines don’t tend to play as well with this audience. That’s not a hard and fast rule though, so consider which of these elements, if any, will play well with your interior design and existing branding.

Digital Marketing for Gen Z

You already know that a social media presence and social media ads are a must for Gen Zers. To maximize your impact on these platforms, video is a must. TikTok videos, Instagram reels, and Instagram Stories are excellent ways to give quick video tours of your floor plans, show off resident events, introduce your on-site team members, and more.

In addition to these platforms, your website and Google My Business page are also key to earning leads and leases from Gen Z renters. You don’t have to have the fanciest website, but a modern feel with solid UX (including, at a bare minimum, no broken links) can go a long way. That goes double for a GMB page with updated info, a working link to your website, attractive community photos, and positive reviews.

And because most housing searches begin with a Google search, especially among the digital natives of Gen Z, Search Ads are a must if you want to reach your prospects when they are most ready to click and convert.

Want to learn more about how you can adapt your apartment marking strategy for Gen Z? Drop us a line and schedule a chat. We’ve got lots of ideas to share.

Thresh Faces: Emily Barker

Name: Emily Barker

Title: Graphic Designer

Emily takes apartment marketing ideas and turns them into apartment marketing masterpieces. She has been creating next-level multifamily marketing brochures, websites, and logos for Threshold for some time now, and we just want her to have her moment in the sun.

Get to know Emily below!

What are 3 words you would use to describe Threshold?

weird, friendly, evolving

If you had an office nickname, what would it be?

Office Daria

What is your favorite line from a movie?

Listen up, Fives. A Ten is speaking. — Jenna, 30 Rock

If you were stuck on an island, what three things would you bring?

coconut radio, a Kindle full of books, notebook & pens

What is the title of your autobiography?

Why Are These Fonts Not Syncing! The Emily Barker Story

What is/would be your motto or slogan?

You can’t have it all, but you can always have pizza.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?


What is your hidden talent?

I’m pretty good at using a Chinese Yo-yo

If you were famous, what would it be for?

Making delicious Kimchi

Favorite Austin eats?

Las Trankas for street tacos

Thresh Faces: Haley McCarley

Name: Haley McCarley

Title: Digital Marketing Specialist

Haley takes apartment marketing ideas and turns them into dynamic social media campaigns, effective PPC ads and a whole lot more. Her student housing marketing knowledge helps the entire digital team get a leg up on the competition, keeping CTRs high and spirits even higher.

Get to know Haley below!

What are 3 words you would use to describe Threshold?

Organized, Excited, Inventive

If you had an office nickname, what would it be?

“The lone female on the digital team”

What is your favorite line from a movie?

“Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”

If you were stuck on an island, what three things would you bring?

Paddleboard, Dos Equis, and The Harry Potter series

What is the title of your autobiography?

How Haley Got Her Groove Back

What is/would be your motto or slogan?

Hook ’em horns m/

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Flying, so I wouldn’t ever have to drive or park in Austin again

What is your hidden talent?

I am pretty awesome at doing makeup, even though I rarely wear it ;P

If you were famous, what would it be for?

Longest Netflix binge in the world

Favorite Austin eats?

Homeslice Pizza and Hopdoddy Burger Bar

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