The Evolution of Marketing: From Traditional to Digital

The Evolution of Marketing: From Traditional to Digital

Welcome to the dynamic world of marketing. Over the decades, the marketing landscape has transformed dramatically, adapting to new technologies, shifting consumer behaviors, and evolving business needs. 

From the early days of traditional marketing to the digital era we thrive in today, the journey has been nothing short of fascinating. Join us as we explore the key milestones in the evolution of marketing and see how Threshold can help you navigate this ever-changing terrain. 

After all, we’re here to market your everything – didn’t you hear?


the traditional marketing era: tried and true

Before the internet took the world by storm, marketing was all about traditional methods. Picture this: glossy magazine ads, catchy radio jingles, and eye-catching billboards. These methods ruled the marketing landscape for decades. They were effective in reaching a broad audience and building brand recognition. 

However, traditional marketing often came with high costs and limited ways to measure precise ROI.


the digital revolution: enter the internet.

As the internet emerged, it brought along a seismic shift in how businesses could connect with their audiences. Websites became the new storefronts, and emails started replacing direct mail. Search engines like Google transformed how people discovered products and services. 

This digital revolution provided marketers with new tools and strategies, offering more targeted, cost-effective, and measurable approaches to reach consumers.


social media: the game changer.

The 21st century ushered in the era of social media, changing the marketing game forever. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn became the new playgrounds for brands to engage with their audiences. Social media marketing allowed businesses to interact with consumers in real-time, creating a two-way communication channel that was unprecedented. 

It’s no longer just about broadcasting messages; it’s about creating conversations.


the mobile movement: marketing on the go.

With smartphones becoming ubiquitous, mobile marketing has become a crucial part of the digital marketing mix. 

People are constantly connected, checking their phones for updates, making purchases, and consuming content on the go. This shift has driven marketers to optimize their strategies for mobile devices, ensuring seamless experiences across all screens.


data-driven decisions: the rise of analytics.

One of the most significant advantages of digital marketing is the ability to collect and analyze data. Gone are the days of guessing which campaign might work best. 

Today, marketers rely on analytics to make informed decisions, track performance, and refine their strategies. Data-driven marketing allows for personalized experiences, ensuring that the right message reaches the right audience at the right time.


the future: ai, vr, and beyond.

As technology continues to advance, the future of marketing promises even more exciting developments. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already making waves with chatbots and personalized recommendations. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are opening new doors for immersive brand experiences. 

Staying ahead of these trends is crucial for businesses aiming to maintain a competitive edge.


partner with threshold: marketing your everything.

Navigating the ever-evolving marketing landscape can be daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. At Threshold, we take pride in our ability to market your everything. Our team of experts is here to help you harness the power of both traditional and digital marketing to create a comprehensive strategy tailored to your unique needs. 

Whether you’re looking to revamp your social media presence, optimize your mobile marketing, or dive into data analytics, we’ve got you covered.


before you go.

For more tips and information about marketing your everything, take a look at the rest of our blogs, right here on our website! \

You can also subscribe to our email newsletter (it’s got some great stuff), and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn!


about the author.

Ava is the SEO & Paid Media Specialist at Threshold.

In her role, she is responsible for the content creation and management of all Threshold and PromoShak social channels, blog content, and SEO maintenance. She also aids in internal and client-facing digital marketing strategies. 

When she’s not busy creating content, you can usually find her picking out new plants, island-hopping, watching Duke basketball, or spending time with her fur babies.

Email Marketing Strategies: Maximizing Open Rates and Conversions

Email Marketing Strategies: Maximizing Open Rates and Conversions

ava headshot threshold agency blog marketing agency austin tx

Ava Page


Hey there, marketing enthusiasts! 🌟 Ready to boost your email marketing game? At Threshold, we believe in the power of a great email strategy to connect with your audience and drive results. With our new Marketing-as-a-Service (MaaS) offering, including top-tier email marketing, we’re here to help you shine.

know your audience.

First things first, you’ve got to know who you’re talking to. Your emails should feel like a conversation with a friend – someone who gets you and knows what you need. Start by segmenting your email list based on demographics, interests, and behavior. This allows you to send personalized content that resonates with your readers. Threshold’s MaaS helps you dive deep into audience insights, ensuring your emails always hit the mark.


craft compelling subject lines.

Your subject line is the first impression your email makes. It needs to be irresistible! Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Use action words, ask intriguing questions, or create a sense of urgency to entice your readers to open your email. With Threshold’s expert copywriters on your side, your subject lines will consistently capture attention.


create engaging content.

Once your readers have opened your email, the next step is to keep them engaged. Your content should be valuable, relevant, and easy to read. Break up text with bullet points, images, and headers to make it visually appealing. And don’t forget to include a clear call-to-action (CTA). Threshold’s MaaS ensures your emails are packed with engaging, high-quality content that drives action.


optimize for mobile.

With more people checking emails on their phones, it’s crucial to ensure your emails look great on all devices. Use a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes, and keep your text and images balanced so they’re easy to view on smaller screens. Our MaaS includes design optimization to make sure your emails are always mobile-friendly and visually stunning.


test, analyze, and improve.

A/B testing is your best friend when it comes to email marketing. Experiment with different subject lines, content formats, send times, and CTAs to see what works best for your audience. Track your email performance with analytics to understand what’s working and what’s not. Threshold’s MaaS provides comprehensive testing and analytics, helping you continuously refine your strategy for maximum impact.


to sum things up.

With these five strategies (and Threshold’s Marketing-as-a-Service, if you choose) at your fingertips, you’re set to maximize open rates and conversions like never before. Our team is dedicated to crafting email campaigns that not only stand out but also drive results. 


Ready to transform your email marketing? Let’s get those emails opened and those conversions rolling in! 🚀

Interested in taking this conversation further with a marketing expert? Reach out to our THeam today for all the answers you’re looking for.

Stay tuned for more tips and tricks from the Threshold THeam, and happy emailing! 📧✨

before you go.

For more tips and information about marketing your everything, take a look at the rest of our blogs, right here on our website! 

You can also subscribe to our email newsletter (it’s got some great stuff), and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn!

about the author.

Ava is the SEO & Paid Media Specialist at Threshold.

In her role, she is responsible for the content creation and management of all Threshold and PromoShak social channels, blog content, and SEO maintenance, and aids in internal and client-facing digital marketing strategies. 

When she’s not busy creating content, you can usually find her picking out new plants, island-hopping, watching Duke basketball, or spending time with her fur babies.

The Importance of Brand Identity: How To Craft a Resonant Brand Voice

The Importance of Brand Identity: How To Craft a Resonant Brand Voice

 laura headshot blogLaura Robbins

In today’s dynamic marketplace, where consumers are bombarded with choices, establishing a distinct brand voice is paramount for standing out and building meaningful connections with your audience. Whether you’re a real estate property, a credit union, or a boutique hotel, a compelling brand identity weaves together words and emotions to convey a coherent and resonant message. 

Let’s explore the art of developing a voice that aligns with your brand’s identity and strikes a chord with your target audience.


understanding your brand’s identity.

Back up, back up, back up. Before you even begin to explore your brand’s voice, you first need to ensure you’ve established your brand’s identity. 

What values does your brand stand for? 

What sets it apart from competitors? 

What emotions do you want to evoke in your audience? 

By delving into these questions, you can uncover the essence of your brand and lay the foundation for developing a distinct voice that encapsulates its personality.

Take Threshold’s brand voice for instance. One of our corporate values is that we’re both professional and playful. That value is woven throughout our voice. We like to get the job done and do an amazing job at that, and we like to have a laugh or two along the way. A witty joke or pun is welcome – and oftentimes encouraged – in these parts. 


audience insight: listening to consumer needs.

Understanding your target audience is crucial for shaping your brand voice. Conduct thorough research to gain insights into your audience’s demographics, psychographics, and pain points. 

What language resonates with them? 

What tone elicits the desired emotional response? 

Go so far as crafting personas for your brand so you can better tailor your voice and messaging to your audience. Having this distinct persona will also allow you to quality-check your brand’s messaging as it gets put into use, ensuring what you’re saying is relevant to your target audience. 


maintaining your voice across touchpoints.

Remember that thing we said above, about quality-checking your brand voice? Yeah – it’s important

Consistency is the bedrock of a strong brand voice. Maintaining a unified voice across all marketing touchpoints reinforces your brand’s identity and fosters trust with your audience. Whether it’s your website copy, social media posts, or customer support interactions, ensure that your brand voice remains consistent in tone, style, and messaging to deepen relationships with your audience.


it’s ok to be flexible.

Yeah, ok, the odd rule is meant to be broken, is it not? While consistency is essential, it’s also important to recognize that the marketplace is constantly evolving, and consumer preferences may change over time. 

Your brand voice should be flexible enough to resonate with changing trends and audience dynamics. Continuously monitor feedback, stay attuned to cultural shifts, and be willing to adjust your brand voice accordingly to maintain relevance and resonance. 

Threshold did just that! We underwent a brand refresh in 2023 to better align our creative direction, messaging, and services to our clients and their needs. 


be yourself. 

Above all, authenticity is the core of a compelling brand voice. Consumers are attracted to brands that authentically express their values and beliefs. Be genuine, transparent, and true to your brand’s identity in every communication. Authenticity not only fosters deeper connections with your audience, but also builds loyalty and advocacy over time.


to sum it all up.

By understanding your brand’s identity, listening attentively to your audience, maintaining consistency, embracing flexibility, and embodying authenticity, you can elevate your brand above the noise and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Remember, the marriage of words and brand identity is not just about what you say, but how you say it. Let your brand voice be what captivates, inspires, and connects with your audience.

Now that you know how essential a brand voice is, let Threshold help you craft one! We use carefully curated data to deliver positioning and messaging full of strategic potential. Our experienced team weeds out stale approaches to deliver fresh perspectives and brand guidelines that empower future asset creation. And we’ll make you go wow in the process. Promise. 

Get in touch with us today


about the author.

Laura is the brand strategist here at Threshold (so when it comes to all things branding – take her word for it). She embodies all of the best part of what creative marketing is all about, bringing life to brands across the spectrum, and highlighting all of the best aspects that a company, property, business, or any other brand has to offer its consumers.

When she’s not bringing brands to life at Threshold, Laura loves spending time with her husband, son, friends, and family – and she’s even got a little one on the way! Whether it’s spending quality time with loved ones, traveling, trying new restaurants, or working on her novel (yep – she does it all), Laura is the definition of someone who lives to get all of the best things out of life, and we love her for it.

Navigating The Upcoming Change in Google Cookies

Navigating The Upcoming Change in Google Cookies

ava headshot threshold agency blog marketing agency austin tx

Ava Page



When it comes to the world of digital marketing, change is not just inevitable – it’s the norm. At Threshold, we understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve. That’s why we’re here to provide you with a deep dive into the upcoming changes to cookies, and how they’ll impact your business, your marketing, and your brand.


understanding cookies: pillars of personalized online experiences.

Cookies, those tiny digital crumbs, play a monumental role in shaping your online journey. But what exactly are cookies? Imagine them as digital footprints left behind as you navigate the vast landscape of the internet. They’re small pieces of data stored on your browser that help websites remember information about you. 

This can range from remembering your login details to tailoring product recommendations based on your browsing history. In essence, cookies are the cornerstone of delivering seamless and customized experiences to customers, especially in the retail sector.


Google’s bold move: unraveling the implications.

Google’s recent announcement about phasing out third-party cookies on Chrome has sent ripples through the digital marketing community. But why is this such a seismic shift? Well, probably because Google is the last major browser that allows third-party cookies by default, representing a whopping 60% of browser use.

So, why is Google making this change? The answer lies in the growing concerns surrounding user privacy and data protection. Third-party cookies have long been criticized for their invasive nature, tracking users across the web without their explicit consent. By phasing out these cookies, Google aims to enhance user privacy and security, aligning with evolving regulatory standards and consumer expectations.

While this move may seem daunting, it’s important to note that we’re not venturing into a cookieless world just yet. Third-party cookies remain integral for website functionality, particularly in the retail sector where targeted advertising is paramount.

Despite Google’s incremental steps, such as the testing of deprecating a small percentage of cookies since January 2024, there’s lingering uncertainty surrounding the feasibility of meeting the July 2024 deadline. The introduction of Google’s Privacy Sandbox initiative, featuring alternative methods like the Topics API and Fenced Frames, has sparked both curiosity and concern within the industry. These initiatives aim to provide advertisers with viable alternatives to third-party cookies while preserving user privacy and fostering a more transparent digital ecosystem.


addressing concerns and crafting a strategy.

In light of these changes, concerns have emerged from industry stakeholders, including the International Advertising Bureau (IAB) and the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). Questions regarding market dominance, fairness, and transparency loom large, prompting businesses to rethink their advertising strategies.

One significant challenge arising from the phasing out of third-party cookies is the potential gap in conversion tracking. Without the ability to track user behavior across websites using traditional cookie-based methods, businesses may face difficulties in accurately measuring the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and attributing conversions.

However, amidst these challenges lies an opportunity for growth and innovation. At Threshold, we’re committed to guiding you through this transition. Through proactive client education, meticulous risk assessment, and rigorous testing efforts, we’ll ensure you’re well-equipped to navigate the evolving digital landscape.

By fostering collaboration with our expert digital team and harnessing the power of first-party data strategies, we’ll help you adapt to the changing terrain while maintaining your competitive edge. Our approach includes leveraging alternative tracking methods, such as first-party cookies and server-side tracking, to close the gap in conversion tracking and provide valuable insights into your customers’ journey. With our tailored strategies and innovative solutions, you can continue to drive results and achieve your business objectives in a cookie-less world.


embracing opportunities.

As we bid farewell to third-party cookies, it’s time to explore new avenues for digital marketing. From real estate to financial institutions – and everywhere in between – we’re being presented with exciting opportunities, where strategies emphasizing brand awareness and contextual targeting are gaining momentum, offering a fresh perspective on consumer engagement.

While the road ahead may be uncertain, it’s also brimming with potential. By prioritizing consumer preferences, transparency, and resilience, we can transform challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation.


to sum things up.

Change is not just a challenge; it’s an invitation to evolve. Together, let’s embrace the cookie revolution and pave the way for a more consumer-centric and privacy-conscious digital future. At Threshold, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Ready to take this conversation further with a marketing expert? Reach out to our THeam today for all the answers you’re looking for.


before you go.

For more tips and information about marketing your everything, take a look at the rest of our blogs, right here on our website! 

You can also subscribe to our email newsletter (it’s got some great stuff), and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn!


about the author.

Ava is the SEO & Paid Media Specialist at Threshold.

In her role, she is responsible for the content creation and management of all Threshold and PromoShak social channels, blog content, and SEO maintenance, and aids in internal and client-facing digital marketing strategies. 

When she’s not busy creating content, you can usually find her picking out new plants, island-hopping, watching Duke basketball, or spending time with her fur babies.

How The Power of SEO Can Elevate Your Online Presence

How The Power of SEO Can Elevate Your Online Presence


ava headshot threshold marketing blogAva Page


Step into the world of digital marketing mastery with Threshold! Dive into the true impact of SEO in today’s blog.

We’ll unravel the secrets behind keywords, their vital role in your online journey, and how our expertise can elevate your brand visibility.


keywords: your brand’s secret weapon.

In the vast online landscape, keywords act as breadcrumbs guiding potential customers to your virtual doorstep. At Threshold, we infuse a playful twist into these strategic elements, navigating through the search engine maze effortlessly.

Picture your brand soaring to the top of search results, leaving competitors in the digital dust – that’s the SEO magic we specialize in.


turning clicks into conversions.

SEO isn’t just about securing top rankings; it’s about orchestrating a symphony that converts clicks into loyal customers. Our strategies ensure that your audience not only discovers you but stays engaged and invested in what they find.

With our team of SEO experts, your online presence becomes a melodious masterpiece, resonating with your target audience.


playing the algorithm game.

In the dynamic realm of search engine algorithms, staying ahead demands finesse and strategy.

At Threshold, we engage in a strategic dance with the algorithms, ensuring your website remains at the forefront of rankings. From content optimization to mobile responsiveness, our approach is tailored to dazzle both users and search engines alike.


metrics speak louder than words.

Data-driven decisions shape the path to online success. With Threshold, witness the transformation of your website’s analytics.

Our meticulous tracking and analysis ensure every move is calculated and every improvement celebrated. It’s not just about visibility; it’s about making waves in the digital ocean.


packages and services.

We offer comprehensive SEO packages tailored to your unique needs.

From keyword research and content optimization to technical SEO audits and ongoing monitoring, our services cover every aspect of your digital journey. Additionally, explore our add-ons for enhanced visibility and conversion optimization.


to sum things up.

Unlock the full potential of your brand with Threshold Agency’s SEO expertise. Explore our digital marketing services and let the magic of SEO elevate your online presence. Remember, in the digital world, visibility is power, and with Threshold by your side, your brand will shine brighter than ever before.

Let’s make your online journey a success, together.


before you go.

For more tips and information about marketing your everything, take a look at the rest of our blogs, right here on our website! 

You can also subscribe to our email newsletter (it’s got some great stuff), and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn!


about the author.

Ava is the SEO & Paid Media Specialist at Threshold.

In her role, she is responsible for the content creation and management of all Threshold and PromoShak social channels, blog content, and SEO maintenance, and aids in internal and client-facing digital marketing strategies. 

When she’s not busy creating content, you can usually find her picking out new plants, island-hopping, watching Duke basketball, or spending time with her fur babies.

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